Definitely no Antonie Schurz (please remind me next week to send new budwood: It´s still too hot for sending anything now).
For me it´s looking more like a Bourbon than a HP. Will try to have a look at the blooming ourbons while watering them.
Could this possible be Antoine Schurz?
hi arild, look here: rosenpark-galerie 

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- Registriert: Mittwoch 3. Juli 2002, 18:04
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It is easy to show an image if you have a link to that image stored at another web-place:

Next time you want to show an image just follow these steps:
After you opened "Antworten" you will see some buttons on top of the input area. One button is labeled "Bild". Click this button and fill in the URL (http://xyz...) of your picture in the provided input field. Thats all!

Next time you want to show an image just follow these steps:
After you opened "Antworten" you will see some buttons on top of the input area. One button is labeled "Bild". Click this button and fill in the URL (http://xyz...) of your picture in the provided input field. Thats all!
Zuletzt geändert von werner am Donnerstag 25. Juni 2009, 21:37, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.