About Souvenir d'Alphonse Lavallee and other roses
Rose du Roi à fleurs pourpres as growing at Sangerhausen and sold by some nurseries seems to be a HP/Remontant Hybrid and not the original Portland.
We have a "Mogador" (which is a synonym for RdRafp) at the Rosenpark (I planted it with the Portlands because "it´s commonly told to be a Portland" ), very beautiful and fragrant plant but not really a Potrtland.
My Dickerson (elder and complete version of "The Old Rose Explorer") contents no phtos but a number of old illustrations. he descriptions are collected from many historical sources (and therefor sometimes very different).
We have a "Mogador" (which is a synonym for RdRafp) at the Rosenpark (I planted it with the Portlands because "it´s commonly told to be a Portland" ), very beautiful and fragrant plant but not really a Potrtland.
My Dickerson (elder and complete version of "The Old Rose Explorer") contents no phtos but a number of old illustrations. he descriptions are collected from many historical sources (and therefor sometimes very different).