About Souvenir d'Alphonse Lavallee and other roses
Welcone, Arild!
We are very pleased to have you here with us!
- So we can practice our English and you your German writing. And it´s very interesting to read about gardens in your country and to get to know your passions in your gardens. I look forward to see soon many pictures of your garden!
I hope you enjoy reading and writing in our forum (ist this the right word for it in English too??:s07:)
With the best regards from
uli from Vienna
We are very pleased to have you here with us!
- So we can practice our English and you your German writing. And it´s very interesting to read about gardens in your country and to get to know your passions in your gardens. I look forward to see soon many pictures of your garden!
I hope you enjoy reading and writing in our forum (ist this the right word for it in English too??:s07:)
With the best regards from
uli from Vienna
Du schreibst ein sehr gut zu verstehendes Deutsch, Arild:s21:Arild Lindseth schrieb
Vielen dank Sarah
Ich bin dankbar das ich in dieser Forum erlaubt binIch weiss das ich menge von Fehler macht when ich Deutsch zu schreiben versucht; aber ich hoffe es is möglich mir zu verstehen sind.
Gruss von Arild
- Beiträge: 2980
- Registriert: Mittwoch 20. Juni 2007, 17:30
- Wohnort: Schleswig-Holstein
Hei Arild, og vel møtt i vårt lille forum!
da ich kaum englisch kann, traute ich mich nicht, hier zu schreiben. aber dann habe ich jemanden gefragt, damit ich dich wenigstens auf norwegisch begrüssen kann.
ich wünsche dir viel spass und hoffe, deine fragen können beantwortet werden.
viele grüsse aus ostfriesland

da ich kaum englisch kann, traute ich mich nicht, hier zu schreiben. aber dann habe ich jemanden gefragt, damit ich dich wenigstens auf norwegisch begrüssen kann.

ich wünsche dir viel spass und hoffe, deine fragen können beantwortet werden.
viele grüsse aus ostfriesland
And don´t worry about having killed Arthur de Sansal ou´re not the only murderer:rolleyes::s22:
It´s indeed a rather delicate variety:(
If you´re managing to keep Empéreur du Maroc alive you´re really good! I only knew one person who had a vigorous specimen of this variety and his secret of getting it a big and healthy plant was potting and feeding it with chicken manure.
It´s indeed a rather delicate variety:(
If you´re managing to keep Empéreur du Maroc alive you´re really good! I only knew one person who had a vigorous specimen of this variety and his secret of getting it a big and healthy plant was potting and feeding it with chicken manure.
It is indeed a messy aerea and I´m always expressing my honor when meeting people who have a hint of looking through this complicated item.
My actual favorites (because they´re just in bloom:s22::s22:) are Kaiser Wilhelm I and Xavier Olibo (the latter is rather easy to identify after having seen it once: The flowers have a very dark, "blackish" red and are of a very special shape).
Both are intensively fragrant. - You have to visit Labenz soon!:s20:
My actual favorites (because they´re just in bloom:s22::s22:) are Kaiser Wilhelm I and Xavier Olibo (the latter is rather easy to identify after having seen it once: The flowers have a very dark, "blackish" red and are of a very special shape).
Both are intensively fragrant. - You have to visit Labenz soon!:s20:
Hi Arild! Nice to meet you here!:s19::s19:
When I went to visit Mr. Weingart the first (and only) time (for getting hold of one of his rose catalogues:s22:) he was just cutting budwood from Souvenir d´Alphonse Lavallée. I asked for the blooms, took them from the ground and their luxurious perfume accompanied my whole (in those days very long) way to Sangerhausen.
So I remember these blooms very well: They were dark red with a hint of mahogany brown and just this description is found by old literature sources (as I learned by reading Dickerson). The photo of the Guillot variety is the nearest to my memory that I saw. Unfortunately I couldn´t manage to get a specimen yet.
Mr. Weingart told me that there´s another red HP, Prince Camille de Rohan, which is also sold by the name of Souvenir du Docteur Jamain.
SdDJ as I know it is indeed very dark in a bluish way (no hint of black or brown).
I don´t remember the stamens but will have a look tomorrow.
It´s a very good climber and prefers partial shadow. My specimen didn´t flower it´s first season at all but rebloomed very well from the second year on.
The fragrance is delightful!
Please excuse my bad English: No experience within the last years:rolleyes:
When I went to visit Mr. Weingart the first (and only) time (for getting hold of one of his rose catalogues:s22:) he was just cutting budwood from Souvenir d´Alphonse Lavallée. I asked for the blooms, took them from the ground and their luxurious perfume accompanied my whole (in those days very long) way to Sangerhausen.
So I remember these blooms very well: They were dark red with a hint of mahogany brown and just this description is found by old literature sources (as I learned by reading Dickerson). The photo of the Guillot variety is the nearest to my memory that I saw. Unfortunately I couldn´t manage to get a specimen yet.
Mr. Weingart told me that there´s another red HP, Prince Camille de Rohan, which is also sold by the name of Souvenir du Docteur Jamain.
SdDJ as I know it is indeed very dark in a bluish way (no hint of black or brown).
I don´t remember the stamens but will have a look tomorrow.
It´s a very good climber and prefers partial shadow. My specimen didn´t flower it´s first season at all but rebloomed very well from the second year on.
The fragrance is delightful!
Please excuse my bad English: No experience within the last years:rolleyes: